Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#2584, aired 1995-11-23GRAPHIC ARTS $200: Term for the circle that encloses a comic strip character's dialogue a balloon
#2584, aired 1995-11-23GRAPHIC ARTS $400: Typesetters may use the Dvorak layout on one of these; it reduces their finger movements from Qwerty a keyboard
#2584, aired 1995-11-23GRAPHIC ARTS $600: This term refers to printing beyond the edges & trimming back the sheet; first aid isn't required bleeding
#2584, aired 1995-11-23GRAPHIC ARTS $800: Term for non-copyrighted pictures or drawings you can snip out & include in your own work clip art
#2584, aired 1995-11-23GRAPHIC ARTS $1000: A color separator produces four negatives: cyan, magenta, yellow & this color black
#2079, aired 1993-09-23THE GRAPHIC ARTS $100: Types of these include dip, fountain & felt-tip pens
#2079, aired 1993-09-23THE GRAPHIC ARTS $200: 1 of the 4 colors used in the four-color printing process (1 of) red (blue, yellow & black)
#2079, aired 1993-09-23THE GRAPHIC ARTS $300: Drafting is also known as this type of "drawing" & it uses a special pencil mechanical drawing
#2079, aired 1993-09-23THE GRAPHIC ARTS $400: This process of changing the details on a photograph can now be done on a computer touch-up (retouch)
#2079, aired 1993-09-23THE GRAPHIC ARTS $500: To crop is to trim the edge of a picture; this is to extend the picture to the edge of a page bleed

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