Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4917, aired 2006-01-17GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE $200: This draft agency also runs an alternative service program for pacifists in lieu of military service the Selective Service
#4917, aired 2006-01-17GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE $400: You can click on "Where's My Refund?" on this federal agency's website the IRS
#4917, aired 2006-01-17GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE $600: (Former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge reads the clue.) This service, established in 1789 & now part of the DHS helps fight the WMD threat with its use of border searches Customs
#4917, aired 2006-01-17GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE $800: A 1947 labor law created the FMCS, the "M" for this activity that can solve labor disputes mediation
#4917, aired 2006-01-17GOVERNMENT AT YOUR SERVICE $1000: Its headquarters are in Silver Spring, Md., but it has forecast offices across the U.S. the National Weather Service

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