Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#12, aired 2023-05-16GO TO YOUR ROOM $400: Theater audiences would retire to this 5-letter room for warmth between acts; now it refers to any entrance hall or lobby the foyer
#12, aired 2023-05-16GO TO YOUR ROOM $800: Children can go wild in a rec room or this other alliterative one whose name suggests it need not be quiet rumpus room (or romp room)
#12, aired 2023-05-16GO TO YOUR ROOM $1600: Seen here, the chashitsu is the room designed for this tradition tea ceremony
#12, aired 2023-05-16GO TO YOUR ROOM $2000: Get thee to this little room next to the pantry & the kitchen where its maids clean dishes & the like scullery
#12, aired 2023-05-16GO TO YOUR ROOM $4,200 (Daily Double): This room gave its name to an official art exhibition sponsored by the French government & once held at the Louvre salon

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