Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9229, aired 2024-12-19GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN $400: If you want to get a book off the Barents Shelf, you'll have to jump into this ocean the Arctic Ocean
#9229, aired 2024-12-19GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN $800: Way down on the ocean floor, the process of subduction creates these, like the Java & Aleutian ones trenches
#9229, aired 2024-12-19GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN $1200: Also known as the Ganga Trough, the Swatch of No Ground is a haven for whales in this alliterative bay the Bay of Bengal
#9229, aired 2024-12-19GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN $1600: The North Atlantic Gyre has 4 parts: the North Atlantic Current, the Canary Current, the North Equatorial Current & this warm flow the Gulf Stream
#9229, aired 2024-12-19GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN $2000: Named for an English explorer, this passage connects the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans south of South America the Drake Passage

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