Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3799, aired 2001-02-22 | GIVE 'EM THE BOOT $200: This term for a young woman of the '20s may come from the sound of her unfastened boots flapper |
#3799, aired 2001-02-22 | GIVE 'EM THE BOOT $400: This woman took the song heard here to No. 1: "These boots are made for walkin'..." Nancy Sinatra |
#3799, aired 2001-02-22 | GIVE 'EM THE BOOT $600: "They" did this "With Their Boots On" in the title of a 1941 Errol Flynn flick Died |
#3799, aired 2001-02-22 | GIVE 'EM THE BOOT $800: They can be long-legged aquatic birds or hip boots worn by aquatic fishermen waders |
#3799, aired 2001-02-22 | GIVE 'EM THE BOOT $1000: This country music saxophonist was a shoe-in for greatness with hit songs like "Yakety Sax" Boots Randolph |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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