Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (34 results returned)

#8893, aired 2023-06-14GIMME 5 $400: In basketball, the 5 basic positions are power forward, small forward, shooting guard, point guard & this one center
#8893, aired 2023-06-14GIMME 5 $800: The Bible's Torah or Pentateuch is also known as "the 5 books of" this personage Moses
#8893, aired 2023-06-14GIMME 5 $1200: Julius was the real first name of this one of the 5 Marx Brothers Groucho
#8893, aired 2023-06-14GIMME 5 $1600: Roughly triangular & surrounded by water, it's the westernmost of New York City's 5 boroughs Staten Island
#8893, aired 2023-06-14GIMME 5 $2000: Counterparts to Moscow composers like Tchaikovsky, "The Five" were St. Petersburgers Cui, Balakirev, Borodin, Mussorgsky & him Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
#8051, aired 2019-09-16GIMME "5" $200: At a poker table it precedes "draw" or "stud" five-card
#8051, aired 2019-09-16GIMME "5" $400: L.A. Dodgers Dusty Baker & Glenn Burke have been credited with inventing this gesture after a 1977 home run a high five
#8051, aired 2019-09-16GIMME "5" $600: has tips on avoiding this five o'clock shadow
#8051, aired 2019-09-16GIMME "5" $800: Omar Bradley or Dwight Eisenhower, for example a five-star general
#8051, aired 2019-09-16GIMME "5" $1000: Shoplifting is also known as this anatomical "discount" five-finger
#7161, aired 2015-11-02GIMME 5 $400: It's an unscientific time-based rule of thumb for assessing the edibility of dropped food the 5-second rule
#7161, aired 2015-11-02GIMME 5 $1200: This Pirates shortstop was among the first group of 5 elected to baseball's Hall of Fame Honus Wagner
#7161, aired 2015-11-02GIMME 5 $1600: Borodin was one of "the Five", a group of composers from this country Russia
#7161, aired 2015-11-02GIMME 5 $2000: Aristotle said the universe was made up of 5 elements, the fifth being this elusive substance ether
#6578, aired 2013-04-03GIMME 5! $400: In the golden age of Hollywood, "The Big Five" movie studios were MGM, RKO, Paramount, 20th Century Fox & this family concern the Warner Brothers
#6578, aired 2013-04-03GIMME 5! $800: Finishes out the original fivesome that included Jackie, Marlon, Michael & Tito Jermaine
#6578, aired 2013-04-03GIMME 5! $1200: The earth can be divided into 5 of these regions, including the north & south "temperate" ones climate zones
#6578, aired 2013-04-03GIMME 5! $1600: NBA guard Davis knows dukes & earls look down at this lowest of the 5 grades of British peer baron
#6578, aired 2013-04-03GIMME 5! $2000: The Five, a group of Russian composers, included this hyphenated composer of "Scheherazade" Rimsky-Korsakov
#6182, aired 2011-06-28GIMME 5 $400: x 16 80
#6182, aired 2011-06-28GIMME 5 $600 (Daily Double): x the number of degrees in a circle 1800
#6182, aired 2011-06-28GIMME 5 $800: Cubed 125
#6182, aired 2011-06-28GIMME 5 $1200: x the equivalent of the Roman numeral XX 100
#6182, aired 2011-06-28GIMME 5 $2000: x the square root of 121 55
#1689, aired 1991-12-26GIMME 5 $100: Of the 5 senses, the one that works outside of the head area, too touch
#1689, aired 1991-12-26GIMME 5 $200: The 5 "W"s of journalism who, what, when, where & why
#1689, aired 1991-12-26GIMME 5 $300: To remember the names of the 5 of these, use the mnemonic "HOMES" the Great Lakes
#1689, aired 1991-12-26GIMME 5 $400: The only one of the 5 Civilized Tribes whose name didn't begin with "C" the Seminole
#1689, aired 1991-12-26GIMME 5 $500: There were 5 Marx Brothers: Groucho, Harpo, Chico & these 2 Zeppo & Gummo
#1574, aired 1991-06-06GIMME 5 $100: It's made up of 5 events -- steeplechase, fencing, swimming, pistol shooting, & a cross-country run the pentathlon
#1574, aired 1991-06-06GIMME 5 $200: Completed in 1943, it's a 5-sided complex of 5 concentric buildings connected by hallways the Pentagon
#1574, aired 1991-06-06GIMME 5 $300: It's a 5-pointed star with supposed mystic properties pentagram (pentangle)
#1574, aired 1991-06-06GIMME 5 $400: This 1-word term for the first 5 books of the Bible is from the Greek for "five scrolls" the Pentateuch
#1574, aired 1991-06-06GIMME 5 $500: Since the 16th century, this 5-foot meter has been the predominant meter in English verse (iambic) pentameter

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