Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4772, aired 2005-05-10GIFTS FOR EVERYONE $200: The last Medici gave this city the family's art collection "to attract the curiosity of foreigners" Florence
#4772, aired 2005-05-10GIFTS FOR EVERYONE $600: The Mass. Bay Colony named this college for a man who gifted half his 1,600-pound estate & 400 books Harvard
#4772, aired 2005-05-10GIFTS FOR EVERYONE $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew points to a globe almost as big as he is in the FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, NY.) George Marshall gave FDR this globe to trace troop movements; he also gave an identical one to this man Churchill
#4772, aired 2005-05-10GIFTS FOR EVERYONE $1000: Born in Hungary, he's used his success with the Quantum Fund to finance programs in democracy & public health (George) Soros
#4772, aired 2005-05-10GIFTS FOR EVERYONE $2,600 (Daily Double): Proposed by historian Edouard de Laboulaye, it was presented to the U.S. for its centennial the Statue of Liberty

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