Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6432, aired 2012-07-31GETTING DRESSED $200: The name of these holey slip-on shoes is also a slang term for alligator relatives Crocs
#6432, aired 2012-07-31GETTING DRESSED $400: It's the 4-letter word for the netting at the back of a baseball cap that helps keep you cool mesh
#6432, aired 2012-07-31GETTING DRESSED $600: UnderArmour clothes for girls include the ColdGear line of these bottoms, similar to tights or long johns leggings
#6432, aired 2012-07-31GETTING DRESSED $800: A long-sleeved shirt with a collar not high enough to fold over is called a "mock" this a turtle(neck)
#6432, aired 2012-07-31GETTING DRESSED $1000: Along with the toga, it was the basic garment of ancient Rome; now it's a long blouse for women & girls a tunic

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