Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | GET YOUR "B.A." DEGREE $400: You might end up in the gutter or pick up a split at this place a bowling alley |
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | GET YOUR "B.A." DEGREE $800: It's a city of 3 million located on the Río de la Plata Estuary Buenos Aires |
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | GET YOUR "B.A." DEGREE $1600: This prehistoric period began around the 4th Millenium B.C. Bronze Age |
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | GET YOUR "B.A." DEGREE $2000: An island group of the Western Pacific held by Germany until WWI, it bears the name of a German Chancellor Bismarck Archipelago |
#8144, aired 2020-01-23 | GET YOUR "B.A." DEGREE $3,400 (Daily Double): This hornless breed--take a look--is named in part for a place in Scotland black angus |
#4645, aired 2004-11-12 | GET A DEGREE $200: If you want a life in the theatre, perhaps you should get a B.F.A. degree, B.F.A. standing for this Bachelor's of Fine Arts |
#4645, aired 2004-11-12 | GET A DEGREE $400: If you have an M.Ed. degree you're a master of this education |
#4645, aired 2004-11-12 | GET A DEGREE $600: It's the degree you hold if your mom introduces you as "my son, the M.B.A." a Masters of Business Administration |
#4645, aired 2004-11-12 | GET A DEGREE $800: You go to the DMV to get your driver's license; you go to a D.V.M. because she's a licensed doctor of this veterinary medicine |
#4645, aired 2004-11-12 | GET A DEGREE $1000: Check it out! B.L.S. is a bachelor of this library science |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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