Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9224, aired 2024-12-12GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS $400: Georgia's Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest contains the southern end of this trail that goes way up to Maine the Appalachian Trail
#9224, aired 2024-12-12GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS $800: About 20 miles outside Atlanta & more than 1,600 feet high, it's called the world's largest piece of exposed granite Stone Mountain
#9224, aired 2024-12-12GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS $1200: This Georgia church where Martin Luther King Jr. once preached bears the name of a memorial erected by Samuel in the Bible Ebenezer Baptist
#9224, aired 2024-12-12GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS $1600: This woman from Savannah founded the Girl Scouts in 1912 & part of her home is now the Girl Scout National Center (Juliette Gordon) Low
#9224, aired 2024-12-12GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS $2000: Georgia's governor since 2019, he's made national news for defending elections in the state as secure & fair Brian Kemp

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