#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | TRANSLATED GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $800: An Algonquian language: people of the point bay, Rhode Island Narragansett |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | TRANSLATED GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1200: French:
Idaho Boise |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | TRANSLATED GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $2000: Spanish:
Blood of Christ mountains, Colorado & New Mexico The Sangre de Cristo Mountains |
#8269, aired 2020-10-29 | TRANSLATED GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $3,500 (Daily Double): Welsh:
high hill,
Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr |
#6798, aired 2014-03-19 | MEANINGS OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $200: The name of this small country comes from German for "light stone" Liechtenstein |
#6798, aired 2014-03-19 | MEANINGS OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: The name of this body of water comes from words meaning "middle" & "earth" the Mediterranean |
#6798, aired 2014-03-19 | MEANINGS OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $600: This city's name, "smoky bay" in Icelandic, refers to steam from volcanic activity Reykjavik |
#6798, aired 2014-03-19 | MEANINGS OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $800: The name of this Wisconsin city is French for "bottom of the lake", its position Fond du Lac |
#6798, aired 2014-03-19 | MEANINGS OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1000: The name of this waterfall on the Argentina-Brazil border is derived from a Guarani word meaning "great water" the Iguazú (Falls) |
#6116, aired 2011-03-28 | THE U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $200: The USBGN rarely approves the use of this punctuation mark, so it endorses names like Henrys Fork & Pikes Peak an apostrophe |
#6116, aired 2011-03-28 | THE U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: D'oh! The USBGN's website says it's a myth that there's a community named this in each of the 50 states--there's one in only 34 Springfield |
#6116, aired 2011-03-28 | THE U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $600: The USBGN shot down a recent proposal to change the name of this to the "Gulf of America" the Gulf of Mexico |
#6116, aired 2011-03-28 | THE U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $800: The USBGN has been in the middle as Alaska's lawmakers have fought with Ohio's over the name of this mountain (Mt.) McKinley |
#6116, aired 2011-03-28 | THE U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1000: The USBGN catalogs the locations of these but won't release them; if you want to spelunk, you're on your own caves |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | LOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $200: This "sea" has heavy mineral deposits which make it saltier than the oceans & almost uninhabitable the Dead Sea |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | ILLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: The Vikings named an ice-covered island this to lure settlers there Greenland |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | LOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: This Chinese river, Huang He, carries tons of colorful silt the Yellow River |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | LOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $600: This island was named for its location between the U.S. west coast & Japan Midway |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | ILLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $800: Since it's the largest city in Missouri, we wonder why it's not called Missouri City Kansas City |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | LOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $800: Captain Cook stayed on this island, later used for nuclear testing, December 25, 1777 Christmas Island |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | LOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1,000 (Daily Double): What's now this African country was once the center of trade for elephant merchandise Ivory Coast |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | ILLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1200: You'll find Limestone & Peat on Ireland but not the gems this nickname would imply "The Emerald Isle" |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | ILLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1600: Rock Island is not on an island but a city on the Mississippi River in this state that borders Iowa Illinois |
#4299, aired 2003-04-17 | ILLOGICAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $2000: The city of El Centro in this state is actually on its southern border, near Mexicali California |
#3842, aired 2001-04-24 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $200: Of Polynesia, Micronesia or Melanesia, the one that means "small islands" Micronesia |
#3842, aired 2001-04-24 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: The Chinese sometimes call it Sha-Mo, or "sand desert" Gobi |
#3842, aired 2001-04-24 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $600: This southeast Asian island nation & its capital have the same name Singapore |
#3842, aired 2001-04-24 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1000: This Turkish strait's name, Greek for "ox ford", comes from the myth that Io swam it after becoming a heifer Bosporus |
#3842, aired 2001-04-24 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $1,500 (Daily Double): This Michigan city is named for the stream on which an 1820s skirmish occurred between 2 surveyors & 2 Indians Battle Creek |
#1092, aired 1989-05-09 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $100: Some say these islands got their name from the Spanish word for shallow waters, "bajamar" the Bahamas |
#1092, aired 1989-05-09 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $200: Fertile plains of Argentina whose name comes from an Indian word for "space" or "flat surface" pampas |
#1092, aired 1989-05-09 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $300: Of Melanesia, Micronesia or Polynesia, the one that means "black islands" Melanesia |
#1092, aired 1989-05-09 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $400: The name of this Canadian province is the same as that of its capital Quebec |
#1092, aired 1989-05-09 | GEOGRAPHIC NAMES $500: The West Indies island called St. Christopher is also known by this shorter name St. Kitts |