Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9216, aired 2024-12-02GEOGRAPHIC MOVIE TITLES $400: Chris Rock is the voice of Marty the Zebra who goes from the Central Park Zoo to this title place Madagascar
#9216, aired 2024-12-02GEOGRAPHIC MOVIE TITLES $800: Kurt Russell & Val Kilmer got top billing in this movie; Stephen Lang was Ike Clanton Tombstone
#9216, aired 2024-12-02GEOGRAPHIC MOVIE TITLES $1200: Rex Reed called this 1974 mechanized gorefest "the most horrifying motion picture I have ever seen" The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
#9216, aired 2024-12-02GEOGRAPHIC MOVIE TITLES $1600: Daniel Day-Lewis is the very bad Bill the Butcher in this Scorsese film Gangs of New York
#9216, aired 2024-12-02GEOGRAPHIC MOVIE TITLES $2000: Keith Carradine's "I'm Easy" from the soundtrack of this music-centric movie won a 1975 Oscar for Best Song Nashville

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