Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6529, aired 2013-01-24 | GEO-POLITICIANS $200: This first signer of the Declaration of Independence has his name on several towns & a Boston Univ. student village John Hancock |
#6529, aired 2013-01-24 | GEO-POLITICIANS $400: J. Strom Thurmond lake lies on the border of Georgia & this state represented by Senator Thurmond for 48 years South Carolina |
#6529, aired 2013-01-24 | GEO-POLITICIANS $800 (Daily Double): Alamo is the seat of the Tennessee county named for this frontiersman and Congressman Davy Crockett |
#6529, aired 2013-01-24 | GEO-POLITICIANS $800: The last U.S. president to have a county named for him (in N.M.), he may be best known for the Teapot Dome scandal (Warren G.) Harding |
#6529, aired 2013-01-24 | GEO-POLITICIANS $1000: This 5'4" "Little Giant" who debated Abraham Lincoln has an 11,300' mountain named for him in Montana Stephen Douglas |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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