Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6200, aired 2011-07-22GENERAL RELATIVITY $200: This woman who triumphed over blindness & deafness was the granddaughter of Confederate gen. Charles W. Adams Helen Keller
#6200, aired 2011-07-22GENERAL RELATIVITY $400: Benjamin D. Wilson, an early mayor of Los Angeles, was the grandfather of this general, "Old Blood and Guts" Patton
#6200, aired 2011-07-22GENERAL RELATIVITY $600: Both this general & his father Arthur fought in the Philippines, the father in 1898, the son in 1944 Douglas MacArthur
#6200, aired 2011-07-22GENERAL RELATIVITY $800: In 1968 this grandson of a general & U.S. president married Julie Nixon with Norman Vincent Peale officiating David Eisenhower
#6200, aired 2011-07-22GENERAL RELATIVITY $1000: Ulysses S. Grant could count among his ancestors Richard Warren, a signer of this 1620 document the Mayflower Compact

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