Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#27, aired 2025-01-08GEEKY GOOGLE $200: When you Google "Isaac Newton", a tree appears on your screen; click it & this fruit falls to the bottom of the screen an apple
#27, aired 2025-01-08GEEKY GOOGLE $400: When you Google "the one ring", you're asked, "Did you mean: my" this (go ahead, say it like Gollum says it) precioussss
#27, aired 2025-01-08GEEKY GOOGLE $600: When you Google "Alex Trebek", Google asks, "Did you mean" this (yes, it's in the form of a question) WHO IS Alex Trebek
#27, aired 2025-01-08GEEKY GOOGLE $800: Do a Google search for this 5-letter word beginning with "A" & you'll see the whole screen tilt askew
#27, aired 2025-01-08GEEKY GOOGLE $1000: When you Google "Chicxulub Crater", this flies across your screen; scientists believe one caused dinosaurs to go extinct a meteorite (or asteroid; meteor accepted)

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