Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#8939, aired 2023-09-28GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: 9 wire arches called wickets are used in this backyard game croquet
#8939, aired 2023-09-28GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $800: Dating back 50 years, "Maze War" & "Spasim" were some of the first of this type of video game, abbreviated FPS first person shooter
#8939, aired 2023-09-28GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1200: The classic game Reversi is aka this game, like a Shakespearean title character Othello
#8939, aired 2023-09-28GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1600: In Scrabble, these 2 letter tiles are the most lucrative, each worth 10 points Q & Z
#8939, aired 2023-09-28GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $2000: In chess there are this many possible opening first moves for white 20
#5363, aired 2007-12-26GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $200: You don't have to buy a vowel, but you do begin this word game by drawing a gallows hangman
#5363, aired 2007-12-26GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: In 2007 he became the first man since Bill Tilden to win the U.S. Open 4 years in a row (Roger) Federer
#5363, aired 2007-12-26GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $600: The first important U.S. tournament in this board game took place in New York City in 1857 chess
#5363, aired 2007-12-26GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $800: Jordan & Bird hit "nothing but net" playing this shot-for-shot basketball game in 1990s TV ads for McDonald's HORSE
#5363, aired 2007-12-26GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1000: From before 3000 B.C., the game Senet of these people used a board & pieces to depict an afterlife journey the Egyptians
#4847, aired 2005-10-11GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $200: J-10--miss! H-5--hit! One more hit in this game & I'll have sunk your title vessel Battleship
#4847, aired 2005-10-11GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: In 1985 Russian computer scientist Alexey Pajitnov created this maddening video game that features blocks Tetris
#4847, aired 2005-10-11GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $600: Spinning the Wheel of Fate in this game can take you to Millionaire Estates, or you can end up in Countryside Acres Life
#4847, aired 2005-10-11GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $800: This "game for your whole brain" features a big purple brain in the center of the game board Cranium
#4847, aired 2005-10-11GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1000: "Pop in the shapes fast or out they'll blast" is what can happen in this "flawless" game for kids Perfection
#4074, aired 2002-04-25GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: In a Simpsons version of this board game, Krusty the Clown plays the part of Colonel Mustard Clue
#4074, aired 2002-04-25GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $800: It features a plastic spinner, plastic cars, blue & pink plastic pegs, fire insurance & stock certificates Life
#4074, aired 2002-04-25GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1200: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew sits at a game table with tiles.) I'm setting up to play this popular tile game imported from China mah-jongg
#4074, aired 2002-04-25GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $1600: On an American roulette wheel, they're the 2 green numbers 0 & 00
#4074, aired 2002-04-25GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $2000: This auto race card game with a French name has driven up sales for Parker Brothers since 1962 Mille Bornes
#3773, aired 2001-01-17GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $100: Water Works, Luxury Tax, Short Line Monopoly
#3773, aired 2001-01-17GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $200: Right foot yellow, left hand blue (oops... excuse me) Twister
#3773, aired 2001-01-17GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $300: The wrench, the kitchen, Colonel Mustard Clue
#3773, aired 2001-01-17GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: Letter tiles, triple word score, double letter score Scrabble
#3773, aired 2001-01-17GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $500: Tweezers, funny bone, wish bone, Adam's apple Operation
#3338, aired 1999-02-24GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $100: In 1998 this game celebrated its 50th anniversary with a huge game using giant letter tiles at London's Wembley Stadium Scrabble
#3338, aired 1999-02-24GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $200: One of the world's most popular RPGs, role playing games, is D&D, this game Dungeons & Dragons
#3338, aired 1999-02-24GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $300: Round the clock is a type of this game played in pubs & pizza parlors darts
#3338, aired 1999-02-24GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $400: They're the 2 piles of cards from which players draw during a Monopoly game Chance & Community Chest
#3338, aired 1999-02-24GAMES PEOPLE PLAY $800 (Daily Double): You're on a roll if you know this dice game was invented by a wealthy couple to play on their luxury boat Yahtzee

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#30, aired 2025-01-29GAMES PEOPLE PLAY: Unable to lift the ball as a toddler, Jason Belmonte devised a 2-handed throw that made him an outcast, then a champ, in this sport bowling

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