Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8617, aired 2022-04-12GAME CHANGERS $200: A 15th century rule change transformed the weakest chess piece to this one, the strongest on the board the queen
#8617, aired 2022-04-12GAME CHANGERS $400: In 1990 this classic card game was included as part of Windows 3.0, turning millions of casual computer users into gamers solitaire
#8617, aired 2022-04-12GAME CHANGERS $600: In 1875 a British army lieutenant modified a form of pool to create this very British billiards game snooker
#8617, aired 2022-04-12GAME CHANGERS $800: This card game scored with pegs on a board evolved from an earlier one called Noddy cribbage
#8617, aired 2022-04-12GAME CHANGERS $1000: In 2019 season 10 of this online survival game ended with a giant asteroid blowing up its virtual island, leaving a black hole Fortnite

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