Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9222, aired 2024-12-10GALLERIES $200: The Freer Gallery of this U.S. institution houses one of the most prominent U.S. collections of Asian art the Smithsonian
#9222, aired 2024-12-10GALLERIES $400: In 1992 Damien Hirst got jaws open at the Saatchi Gallery when he displayed a preserved tiger species of this a (tiger) shark
#9222, aired 2024-12-10GALLERIES $600: From 1897 to 1932 what's now called this "Britain" was known as the National Gallery of British Art the Tate Britain
#9222, aired 2024-12-10GALLERIES $800: Originally designed by Vasarai for Cosimo I de' Medici, it officially opened its doors to the public in 1769 the Uffizi Gallery
#9222, aired 2024-12-10GALLERIES $1000: Making a splash in American art, he had 3 solo shows at the Sidney Janis Gallery between 1952 & 1955, the first featuring "Blue Poles" Jackson Pollock

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