Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#27, aired 2025-01-08FUNNY MATH WORDS $200: A truncated hyperbolic paraboloid looks like one of these "once you pop, you can't stop" snacks that come in a can a Pringle
#27, aired 2025-01-08FUNNY MATH WORDS $400: Nullstellensatz is a theorem in algebraic geometry whose name contains "null", the German word for this number zero
#27, aired 2025-01-08FUNNY MATH WORDS $600: Sesquiduplicate means "twice & a half as great", like the number 250 from this number 100
#27, aired 2025-01-08FUNNY MATH WORDS $800: Hypocycloid is one of the three shapes seen on this city's NFL team helmets to represent the three elements used to make steel Pittsburgh
#27, aired 2025-01-08FUNNY MATH WORDS $1000: Enneadecagon is a polygon with this many sides (or, 1 more than that of an octadecagon) 19

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