Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9161, aired 2024-09-16FUN WITH U.S. STATE CAPITAL NAMES $200: These 2 capitals are named for a man who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1492 Columbus & Columbia
#9161, aired 2024-09-16FUN WITH U.S. STATE CAPITAL NAMES $400: With the name of the state in the name of the capital, this city's 1910 founding makes it the newbie of U.S. capitals Oklahoma City
#9161, aired 2024-09-16FUN WITH U.S. STATE CAPITAL NAMES $800: A red post that marked the border between the Houma & Bayougoula tribes gave us the name of this state capital Baton Rouge
#9161, aired 2024-09-16FUN WITH U.S. STATE CAPITAL NAMES $1,000 (Daily Double): The only capital with 3 sets of double letters in its name, it was visited by de Soto in the 16th century Tallahassee
#9161, aired 2024-09-16FUN WITH U.S. STATE CAPITAL NAMES $1000: The name of Germany's fifth-largest city differs by one letter from the name of this capital Frankfort
#6167, aired 2011-06-07FUN WITH STATE NAMES $200: Keep up! They are the 2 states with 3 sets of double letters Mississippi & Tennessee
#6167, aired 2011-06-07FUN WITH STATE NAMES $400: The one letter that does not appear in any of the 50 state names Q
#6167, aired 2011-06-07FUN WITH STATE NAMES $600: The one vowel that does not begin a state name (& don't say "Y"; we don't need the viewer mail) E
#6167, aired 2011-06-07FUN WITH STATE NAMES $800: 8 states begin with "M" & another 8 with this letter N
#6167, aired 2011-06-07FUN WITH STATE NAMES $1000: The one that ends with "G" Wyoming

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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