Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5678, aired 2009-04-22 | FUN WITH EPONYMS $200: How shocking! A unit of electrical current is named for this Andre André Ampere |
#5678, aired 2009-04-22 | FUN WITH EPONYMS $400: The scientific unit of sound intensity named for this man has one less "L" than his surname (Alexander Graham) Bell |
#5678, aired 2009-04-22 | FUN WITH EPONYMS $600: She may have said, "Why don't you come up and see my life jacket sometime?" when she wore the one named for her Mae West |
#5678, aired 2009-04-22 | FUN WITH EPONYMS $800: A shirtless male stripper in collar & cuffs would love these chairs named for an 18th C. cabinetmaker Chippendales |
#5678, aired 2009-04-22 | FUN WITH EPONYMS $1000: To prudishly edit vulgar bits out of a written work is called this, after a guy named Thomas who did it to Shakespeare bowdlerize |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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