Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3801, aired 2001-02-26FUN WITH DICK OR JANE $100: For an astounding 3 decades, he youthfully hosted "American Bandstand" Dick Clark
#3801, aired 2001-02-26FUN WITH DICK OR JANE $200: Traditionally, this name is given to a woman whose identity is unknown during legal proceedings Jane Doe
#3801, aired 2001-02-26FUN WITH DICK OR JANE $300: In 1990 Warren Beatty took on the role of this hawk-nosed, jut-jawed crime crusader Dick Tracy
#3801, aired 2001-02-26FUN WITH DICK OR JANE $400: (Former Jeopardy! college contestant, Maggie Bandur, who's now a writer on Malcolm in the Middle, delivers the clue.) On an episode of mine, Malcolm's mother, played by this actress, has to go to the funeral of an aunt she hated Jane Kaczmarek
#3801, aired 2001-02-26FUN WITH DICK OR JANE $500: In 1553 this monarch was a true "Nine Days' Wonder" Lady Jane Grey

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