Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7410, aired 2016-11-25 | FRUITY WORDS & PHRASES $400: This type of crane has a bucketlike attachment at the top for carrying a worker a cherry picker |
#7410, aired 2016-11-25 | FRUITY WORDS & PHRASES $800: The spot for the center of attention, or a Charlie Chaplin film the limelight |
#7410, aired 2016-11-25 | FRUITY WORDS & PHRASES $1200: This postseason football game was first played in 1935 to attract winter tourists to Florida the Orange Bowl |
#7410, aired 2016-11-25 | FRUITY WORDS & PHRASES $1600: The fittingly yellow vessel seen here, or the brand of sunscreen you might wear aboard a banana boat |
#7410, aired 2016-11-25 | FRUITY WORDS & PHRASES $2000: This cluster of small iron balls packed in a canvas tube was once used as a charge for a cannon grapeshot |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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