Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4466, aired 2004-01-26 | FROMMER'S TRAVEL USA $200: When hiking the Grand Canyon, don't try to make it top to bottom & back in 1 day, & these animals have the right of way mules |
#4466, aired 2004-01-26 | FROMMER'S TRAVEL USA $400: Each January this city hosts the North American International Auto Show Detroit |
#4466, aired 2004-01-26 | FROMMER'S TRAVEL USA $600: At this ranch about 40 minutes out of Dallas you can eat at Miss Ellie's Deli Southfork |
#4466, aired 2004-01-26 | FROMMER'S TRAVEL USA $800: Called "The Valley Isle", its best beaches include Kaanapali & Wailea Maui |
#4466, aired 2004-01-26 | FROMMER'S TRAVEL USA $1000: A plethora of hiking & riding trails are in this Virginia valley whose name means "daughter of the stars" Shenandoah |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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