Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (23 results returned)

#9252, aired 2025-01-21FROM THE DUTCH $200: Santa Claus derives his name from the Dutch Sinterklaas, a legendary figure based on this saint Saint Nicholas
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FROM THE DUTCH $400: The Dutch may not have invented this distilled spirit, but they did give it its name from words meaning "burnt wine" brandy
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FROM THE DUTCH $600: This word from Dutch means to join 2 pieces of something together, like film or fragments of DNA to splice
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FROM THE DUTCH $800: You can have the whole kit & this, or just the whole this, from Dutch for all one's possessions the caboodle
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FROM THE DUTCH $1000: Once part of New Netherland, Coney Island is believed to have been named from the Dutch word for these animals found in the area rabbits
#9146, aired 2024-07-15FROM THE DUTCH $200: From the Dutch for "to sail to & fro", you'll sail from island to island in the Caribbean on this pleasure trip a cruise
#9146, aired 2024-07-15FROM THE DUTCH $400: The Dutch for "to boast" gives us this word for a maneuver at the poker table bluff
#9146, aired 2024-07-15FROM THE DUTCH $600: The Dutch gave us this word for the sound of lips tasting food or a noisy kiss smack
#9146, aired 2024-07-15FROM THE DUTCH $800: This NHL franchise turning 100 in 2024 gets its name from a Dutch color word the Boston Bruins
#9146, aired 2024-07-15FROM THE DUTCH $1000: Though the French ones are a favorite at Dunkin', this deep-fried, twisted donut is from a Dutch word a cruller
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $200: The last car on a freight train, from the Dutch for "ship's kitchen" caboose
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $400: Dutch gave us this 4-letter word for a short curl or twist & thus its 5-letter adjective for "perverse" kink
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $600: A frozen fright for ships, this object is almost the same word in Dutch by with a "js" in it an iceberg
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $800: This word for an artificial bird used as a lure by a hunter is from the Dutch for "cage" a decoy
#7833, aired 2018-10-03FROM THE DUTCH $1000: It can mean a stupid person, an opiate drug or information, as in "the straight..." dope
#5876, aired 2010-03-15FROM THE DUTCH $400: From the Dutch for "to cross", it's a pleasure trip taken aboard ship a cruise
#5876, aired 2010-03-15FROM THE DUTCH $1600: A medical charlatan, it's from a longer Dutch word meaning one who applies a phony cure-all ointment a quack
#5876, aired 2010-03-15FROM THE DUTCH $2000: This term for a leave of absence granted to a member of the military is from a Dutch word for "permission" furlough
#2473, aired 1995-05-10WORDS FROM THE DUTCH $200: It's an open sled pulled by one horse with passengers "laughing all the way" a sleigh
#2473, aired 1995-05-10WORDS FROM THE DUTCH $400: This term for one's supervisor at work goes back to a Dutch word for uncle boss
#2473, aired 1995-05-10WORDS FROM THE DUTCH $600: The Dutch gave us the word landscape & this wooden frame to support an artist's landscape painting an easel
#2473, aired 1995-05-10WORDS FROM THE DUTCH $800: I love to go a-wandering along the mountain trail with one of these on my back a knapsack
#2473, aired 1995-05-10WORDS FROM THE DUTCH $1000: Gurk is a Dutch word for this vegetable; hence, our word gherkin a cucumber

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