Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9227, aired 2024-12-17FROM THE AFI CATALOG $400: "Eric Stoltz was originally cast as 'Marty McFly', as stated in the 7 Jul 1985 Chicago Tribune" Back to the Future
#9227, aired 2024-12-17FROM THE AFI CATALOG $800: From 1993, the banned advertisements included, "Finally, a movie for everyone who did inhale" Dazed and Confused
#9227, aired 2024-12-17FROM THE AFI CATALOG $1600: "Spielberg cast 13-year-old actor Christian Bale... principal photography began 1 Mar 1987" Empire of the Sun
#9227, aired 2024-12-17FROM THE AFI CATALOG $2000: "Based on the real-life unavailability of Coors Banquet beer outside the 11 western... U.S. states where it was sanctioned" Smokey and the Bandit
#9227, aired 2024-12-17FROM THE AFI CATALOG $3,000 (Daily Double): "The exteriors of the Desmond mansion were shot at a 25-room mansion on Wilshire Blvd"... the studio "added the swimming pool" Sunset Boulevard

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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