Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7615, aired 2017-10-20FROM PAGE TO MULTIPLEX $400: Zachary Gordon played Greg Heffley, the title diarist of the 2010 movie version of this Jeff Kinney novel for kids Diary of a Wimpy Kid
#7615, aired 2017-10-20FROM PAGE TO MULTIPLEX $800: Ted Chiang's "Story of Your Life" became this film with Amy Adams as a linguistics professor Arrival
#7615, aired 2017-10-20FROM PAGE TO MULTIPLEX $1200: Lisa Genova's novel about a woman with early-onset Alzheimer's became this Julianne Moore film Still Alice
#7615, aired 2017-10-20FROM PAGE TO MULTIPLEX $1600: Based on Stephen King, this 2017 film has Idris Elba as the gunslinger, in pursuit of Matthew McConaughey's Man in Black The Dark Tower
#7615, aired 2017-10-20FROM PAGE TO MULTIPLEX $2000: The 1963 western "Hud" was based on "Horseman, Pass By", his first novel Larry McMurtry

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