Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8590, aired 2022-03-04ALL THE WAY FROM D TO E $200: Me: It's an exchange of conversation between 2 people; you: dialogue
#8590, aired 2022-03-04ALL THE WAY FROM D TO E $400: To linger idly & waste time... come now, don't... dawdle
#8590, aired 2022-03-04ALL THE WAY FROM D TO E $600: To descend, or to refuse an offer decline
#8590, aired 2022-03-04ALL THE WAY FROM D TO E $800: To take away someone's right to vote disenfranchise
#8590, aired 2022-03-04ALL THE WAY FROM D TO E $1000: To stop the heart with an electric shock to help restore normal rhythm defibrillate
#6145, aired 2011-05-06FROM D TO E $200: In a deck of cards, it's another name for a 2 a deuce
#6145, aired 2011-05-06FROM D TO E $400: It can mean heavenly, perfect or pertaining to God divine
#6145, aired 2011-05-06FROM D TO E $600: This form of glucose is also called grape sugar dextrose
#6145, aired 2011-05-06FROM D TO E $800: Adjective used to describe an easily managed or readily trained animal, perhaps a horse docile
#6145, aired 2011-05-06FROM D TO E $1000: It's the rodent seen here &, surprisingly, it's awake a dormouse

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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