Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3155, aired 1998-04-24FROM BEOWULF TO VIRGINIA WOOLF $200: To avenge this monster's death, his mother slays a soldier but is later killed by Beowulf Grendel
#3155, aired 1998-04-24FROM BEOWULF TO VIRGINIA WOOLF $400: This author planned to have each pilgrim tell 2 tales on the way to Canterbury & 2 on the way back Geoffrey Chaucer
#3155, aired 1998-04-24FROM BEOWULF TO VIRGINIA WOOLF $600: John Milton's 1671 sequel never gained the reputation of this 1667 epic "Paradise Lost"
#3155, aired 1998-04-24FROM BEOWULF TO VIRGINIA WOOLF $800: "All you need to know", according to this Keats ode is "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" "Ode on A Grecian Urn"
#3155, aired 1998-04-24FROM BEOWULF TO VIRGINIA WOOLF $1000: In this essay Virginia Woolf said women need money & privacy to develop as writers "A Room of One's Own"

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