Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4705, aired 2005-02-04FRENCH LESSONS WITH MOM $200: (Everyone's favorite "Mom", Cheryl of the Clue Crew, sitting at a counter, begs, "Let Mom help you with your French homework.") Let's say you're at the cafeteria & you think, "This meal is delicious"; tell everybody, "Ce déjeuner est délicieux" lunch
#4705, aired 2005-02-04FRENCH LESSONS WITH MOM $400: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew as "Mom" says, "Okay, here's another one.") Your friend pulls a move on a skateboard, & you say, "Tres bon, Dawg"; you mean this very good
#4705, aired 2005-02-04FRENCH LESSONS WITH MOM $600: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew as "Mom" gives the clue.) I know you want to talk to that girl in your homeroom. Try this: "Que vous êtes jolie." You're telling her flat-out she's this gorgeous (or cute or beautiful or pretty)
#4705, aired 2005-02-04FRENCH LESSONS WITH MOM $800: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew as "Mom" says, "Oh, I have another one.") When somebody does something really gross at school, you can say, "Oh, mon dieu", which translates to this Oh, my God
#4705, aired 2005-02-04FRENCH LESSONS WITH MOM $1000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew as "Mom" implores, "Let's try numbers.") If you have to be home at this time, just say "Je dois rentre chez moi à sept heure" 7:00

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