Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (106 results returned)

#9089, aired 2024-04-25FRENCH HISTORY $400: The naval part of this lengthy war got started with an English victory over France at Sluys in 1340 the Hundred Years' War
#9089, aired 2024-04-25FRENCH HISTORY $1200: In 1967 in Montreal this French president said, "Vive le Québec libre", or "Long live free Québec"; Canada wasn't amused de Gaulle
#9089, aired 2024-04-25FRENCH HISTORY $1600: A 2023 coup, backed by protests, took over this country southeast of Algeria & French troops fighting Islamic terrorists said adieu Niger
#9089, aired 2024-04-25FRENCH HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles of 1768, the Genoese ceded this island to the French Corsica
#9089, aired 2024-04-25FRENCH HISTORY $2000: The name of this political club of the French Revolution refers to the Dominican monastery where members met the Jacobin Club
#9051, aired 2024-03-04FRENCH HISTORY $400: A 2023 movie led to lively debate, e.g. historians: She died when Napoleon was on Elba, not on his way back; Ridley Scott: Shut up Josephine
#9051, aired 2024-03-04FRENCH HISTORY $800: The Vichy regime put these in public schools; the 2004 law banning head-scarves on students also banned large these on chains crosses
#9051, aired 2024-03-04FRENCH HISTORY $1200: In the 5th century this eastern city, today home to the European Union's parliament, was Strateburgum, "Crossroads" Strasbourg
#9051, aired 2024-03-04FRENCH HISTORY $1600: France's first socialist president, he served two terms from 1981 to 1995 Mitterrand
#9051, aired 2024-03-04FRENCH HISTORY $2000: In 1598 this edict named for the city where it was signed gave religious freedom to the French Protestants called Huguenots Nantes
#16, aired 2023-10-11FRENCH HISTORY $0: Drink up! A famous New Orleans street is named after this dynasty that ruled France for most of the 17th & 18th centuries Bourbon
#7642, aired 2017-11-28FRENCH HISTORY $400: As France fell in 1940, this general escaped to Britain, where he rallied the French people in a series of radio broadcasts de Gaulle
#7642, aired 2017-11-28FRENCH HISTORY $800: In 1909 Louis Bleriot became the first man to fly a plane over this European waterway the English Channel
#7642, aired 2017-11-28FRENCH HISTORY $1,000 (Daily Double): Awarded to Germany after the Franco-Prussian War, these paired regions became part of France for good in 1945 Alsace and Lorraine
#7642, aired 2017-11-28FRENCH HISTORY $1200: The Jacobites were Scottish; this similar-sounding group were extremists during the French Revolution the Jacobins
#7642, aired 2017-11-28FRENCH HISTORY $2000: Founded in 1972 as a neo-fascist party, it's been led for most of its history by the Le Pens, father & daughter the National Front
#7472, aired 2017-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $200: On D-Day during WWII, Allied forces landed on the beaches of this French region Normandy
#7472, aired 2017-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $400: France's national anthem got its name because troops from this city loved it Marseille
#7472, aired 2017-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $600: Robespierre ruled as a virtual dictator during this troubled period from 1793 to 1794 the Reign of Terror
#7472, aired 2017-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $800: After an 1870-71 war with this leading German kingdom, France lost parts of Alsace & Lorraine Prussia
#7472, aired 2017-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $1000: In November 2016 a show by Sting reopened this Paris concert hall 1 year after a terrorist attack Le Bataclan
#7350, aired 2016-07-22FRENCH HISTORY $400: King of the Franks from 814 to 840, he would be followed in French history by 17 other kings bearing the name Louis
#7350, aired 2016-07-22FRENCH HISTORY $800: In Domremy around 1425, she began to hear voices encouraging her to lead the French army Joan of Arc
#7350, aired 2016-07-22FRENCH HISTORY $1,400 (Daily Double): The French epic "Song of Roland" depicts a battle against Saracens, but it was actually vs. these people of the Pyrenees the Basques
#7350, aired 2016-07-22FRENCH HISTORY $1600: Sparking the French Wars of Religion, 1,000 members of this group were massacred on March 1, 1562 the Huguenots
#7350, aired 2016-07-22FRENCH HISTORY $2000: La Montagne, an extremist revolutionary faction in 1793 & '94, was led by Georges Danton & this man Robespierre
#7072, aired 2015-05-19FRENCH HISTORY $400: France, you've lost a 1340 naval battle to England to start this war, but it's a long way from over--I mean a long way the Hundred Years' War
#7072, aired 2015-05-19FRENCH HISTORY $800: It's the facility represented here during a 1789 event the Bastille
#7072, aired 2015-05-19FRENCH HISTORY $1200: France enjoyed a round of "Frere Jacques" in 1995 when he went from being mayor of Paris to the presidency Jacques Chirac
#7072, aired 2015-05-19FRENCH HISTORY $1600: In 1929 France began to build this "line" of heavy defensive fortifications against Germany the Maginot Line
#7072, aired 2015-05-19FRENCH HISTORY $2000: In 1685 Louis XIV revoked the Edict of this, which had guaranteed freedom of worship to French Protestants Nantes
#6778, aired 2014-02-19FRENCH HISTORY $400: A hunting lodge begun by Louis XIII in 1624 eventually became this elaborate royal residence Versailles
#6778, aired 2014-02-19FRENCH HISTORY $1200: In the 2012 election for president, Francois Hollande defeated this incumbent (Nicolas) Sarkozy
#6778, aired 2014-02-19FRENCH HISTORY $1,600 (Daily Double): At Castillon in 1453, French troops defeated the English in the final great battle of this war the Hundred Years' War
#6778, aired 2014-02-19FRENCH HISTORY $1600: In Feb. of this year France hosted the Grenoble Winter Olympics; in May protests nearly led to a leftist revolution 1968
#6778, aired 2014-02-19FRENCH HISTORY $2000: To grant religious freedom to Protestants, in 1598 King Henry IV issued the Edict of this city Nantes
#6266, aired 2011-12-12FRENCH HISTORY $400: Joan of Arc became the maid of this city when she led French troops to victory there in May 1429 Orleans
#6266, aired 2011-12-12FRENCH HISTORY $800: On May 10, 1981 France elected as president this socialist who then nationalized most of the private banks Francois Mitterrand
#6266, aired 2011-12-12FRENCH HISTORY $1600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) In June 1940, France was split into German-occupied France & Vichy France; 2 1/2 years later, Germany gained control of a large part of continental France; Italy gained most of the area east of this river the Rhone
#6266, aired 2011-12-12FRENCH HISTORY $2,000 (Daily Double): In a July 6, 2003 referendum, this Mediterranean island narrowly defeated a plan for limited autonomy Corsica
#6266, aired 2011-12-12FRENCH HISTORY $2000: The October 1415 battle of this fortress, lost to the English, actually took place in a nearby muddy field Agincourt
#6083, aired 2011-02-09FRENCH HISTORY $400: In May 1968 demonstrations broke out throughout France against this president's government de Gaulle
#6083, aired 2011-02-09FRENCH HISTORY $800: From 1349 to 1830 the French king's oldest son held this title once used by the Lord of Viennois dauphin
#6083, aired 2011-02-09FRENCH HISTORY $1600: This legislative assembly was formed by Philip IV in 1302; it was replaced in 1789 with the National Assembly the Estates General (les états généraux)
#6083, aired 2011-02-09FRENCH HISTORY $2000: This 1598 edict gave a large measure of religious liberty to the Huguenots the Edict of Nantes
#6083, aired 2011-02-09FRENCH HISTORY $2,600 (Daily Double): (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) At one point in the Hundred Years War, England & its allies possessed about half of France; by war's end in 1453, however, the French had pushed England off the mainland, except for this port the port of Calais
#5778, aired 2009-10-28FRENCH HISTORY $400: Not the beginning of a beautiful friendship, the Agadir Incident pitted Germany vs. France in this N. African country Morocco
#5778, aired 2009-10-28FRENCH HISTORY $800: The law that made July 14 a holiday actually honored that date in this year, 1 year later than you might think 1790
#5778, aired 2009-10-28FRENCH HISTORY $1200: A wartime adviser to de Gaulle, he was at the "center" of French politics as president from 1969 to 1974 Pompidou
#5778, aired 2009-10-28FRENCH HISTORY $1600: The French adapted the name of the Irinakhoiw into this & fought them in N. America for the second half of the 1600s the Iroquois
#5778, aired 2009-10-28FRENCH HISTORY $2000: In 1137 Louis VII married this woman whose huge dowry was the subject of contention for centuries Eleanor of Aquitaine
#5181, aired 2007-03-05FRENCH HISTORY $400: Provence got its name from being this empire's first province beyond the Alps the Roman Empire
#5181, aired 2007-03-05FRENCH HISTORY $800: On June 28, 1940 the British recognized this man as the leader of Free France Charles de Gaulle
#5181, aired 2007-03-05FRENCH HISTORY $1200: 18th century kings ran up debts of hundreds of millions of these--not as in books, but as in units of silver currency livres
#5181, aired 2007-03-05FRENCH HISTORY $1,400 (Daily Double): Henri Petain was a hero for the victory at this fortress in 1916, at a cost of over 500,000 French casualties Verdun
#5181, aired 2007-03-05FRENCH HISTORY $1600: Beginning in the 1600s, the colony called New France was based around this river explored by Jacques Cartier St. Lawrence
#4482, aired 2004-02-17FRENCH HISTORY $200: The largest square in Paris, the Place de la Concorde, was the site of this deadly device during the French revolution the guillotine
#4482, aired 2004-02-17FRENCH HISTORY $400: This female warrior was burned at the stake in Rouen in 1431 Joan of Arc
#4482, aired 2004-02-17FRENCH HISTORY $500 (Daily Double): Between 1309 & 1377, Avignon, France, was the seat of power for this important world figure the pope
#4482, aired 2004-02-17FRENCH HISTORY $600: She was just 14 when she married the future Louis XVI in 1770 Marie Antoinette
#4482, aired 2004-02-17FRENCH HISTORY $1000: Louis XIV had this fabulous palace built just outside Paris on the site of an old hunting lodge Versailles
#4260, aired 2003-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $400: A 15th century revolt by the Duke of Orleans is known as "La Guerre Folle", or this type of "war" mad (or silly) (Fool's War accepted)
#4260, aired 2003-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $800: Reigning from 1715 to 1774, he was the successor & great-grandson of the "Sun King" Louis XV
#4260, aired 2003-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $1200: French marshal Bazaine was court-martialed for surrendering 140,000 men to this German nation in 1870 Prussia
#4260, aired 2003-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $1600: In 1933 when Cie. Internationale de Navigation merged with Air Orient & others, it took this name Air France
#4260, aired 2003-02-21FRENCH HISTORY $2000: In 2002 many were shocked when this leader of the National Front made the presidential runoff Jean-Marie Le Pen
#3533, aired 2000-01-05FRENCH HISTORY $200: After the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire 1799 he became first consul Napoleon Bonaparte
#3533, aired 2000-01-05FRENCH HISTORY $400: In World War II Hitler invaded France through these 2 small countries on France's northeast border Belgium & Luxembourg
#3533, aired 2000-01-05FRENCH HISTORY $600: This city known for its 24-hour auto race was the birthplace of England's King Henry II in 1133 Le Mans
#3533, aired 2000-01-05FRENCH HISTORY $800: After the death of Maria Theresa in 1683, this "Sun King" secretly married Madame de Maintenon Louis XIV
#3533, aired 2000-01-05FRENCH HISTORY $1000: In 1981 France moved to the left & elected this Socialist president of the country Francois Mitterrand
#3315, aired 1999-01-22FRENCH HISTORY $100: Born in Lille, he's the famous general & statesman seen here Charles de Gaulle
#3315, aired 1999-01-22FRENCH HISTORY $200: When English king Edward III claimed the French throne in 1337, this war began; it lasted until 1453! Hundred Years' War
#3315, aired 1999-01-22FRENCH HISTORY $300: It was the Roman designation for the region virtually identical with modern France Gaul
#3315, aired 1999-01-22FRENCH HISTORY $400: The first French ruler with this name was Charlemagne's successor & was crowned in 813 Louis I
#3315, aired 1999-01-22FRENCH HISTORY $500: Armand du Plessis, chosen to be first minister of France in 1624, is better known as this Cardinal Richelieu
#2159, aired 1994-01-13FRENCH HISTORY $200: Around 1683 this Sun King secretly married his mistress Madame de Maintenon Louis XIV
#2159, aired 1994-01-13FRENCH HISTORY $400: Madame du Barry was born in this region of France that's now known for its fine sparkling wine champagne
#2159, aired 1994-01-13FRENCH HISTORY $600: Mary of Guise, a member of the powerful Guise family of France, was the mother of this Scotswoman Mary Queen of Scots
#2159, aired 1994-01-13FRENCH HISTORY $800: Gaspard de Coligny, a Huguenot leader was thrown out a window & killed during this massacre St. Bartholomew's Massacre
#2159, aired 1994-01-13FRENCH HISTORY $1,600 (Daily Double): For almost 500 years, the eldest son of the King of France was known by this title the dauphin
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $200: Though revised, French civil law is still largely based on the code he enacted in 1804 Napoleon
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $400: In ancient times the region that includes all of modern France was known by this name Gaul
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $600: 10 kings of France shared this name, including the Bald, the Simple & the Fair Charles
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $800: In 1787 an Edict of Toleration restored most civil liberties to these French Protestants the Huguenots
#2148, aired 1993-12-29FRENCH HISTORY $1000: When Hugh Capet was chosen as king in 987, it brought an end to this ruling dynasty the Carolingian
#2141, aired 1993-12-20FRENCH HISTORY $200: This woman who led an army to the relief of Orleans in 1429 was illiterate but a good seamstress Joan of Arc
#2141, aired 1993-12-20FRENCH HISTORY $400: In 1792 this hero of the American Revolution made a futile attempt to save the French monarchy Lafayette
#2141, aired 1993-12-20FRENCH HISTORY $600: In an 1870-71 war, France was defeated by a group of German states led by this one Prussia
#2141, aired 1993-12-20FRENCH HISTORY $800: Named for its length, this 1756-1763 war led to the loss of most of the French colonial empire the Seven Years' War
#2141, aired 1993-12-20FRENCH HISTORY $1000: Under Henry V the English defeated a French force 3 times as large at this October 1415 battle Agincourt
#2, aired 1990-06-23FRENCH HISTORY $500: From the 14th to the 17th century, France's flag had 3 of these “flowers” on a blue field lillies or fleur-de-lis
#2, aired 1990-06-23FRENCH HISTORY $1000: In the 1572 St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, 3,000 of this religious group were killed in Paris alone Hugenots
#2, aired 1990-06-23FRENCH HISTORY $1500: Hired by France, this Italian explorer of New York harbor gave France its claim to the new world Verrazano
#2, aired 1990-06-23FRENCH HISTORY $2000: Sports venue where, in 1789, Third Estate deputies pledged not to disband until France had a constitution tennis court
#2, aired 1990-06-23FRENCH HISTORY $2500: His 1831-32 visit to the U.S. also produced a book about the American penitentiary system de Tocqueville
#1168, aired 1989-10-04FRENCH HISTORY $100: After a coup d'etat in 1789, he took the title "First Consul" Napoleon
#1168, aired 1989-10-04FRENCH HISTORY $200: He was chosen prime minister in June 1958 & president in December 1958 Charles de Gaulle
#1168, aired 1989-10-04FRENCH HISTORY $300: This 1862 Victor Hugo novel described the living conditions that led to the revolutions of 1848 Les Miserables
#1168, aired 1989-10-04FRENCH HISTORY $400: From 1350-1830 the crown princes of France were known by this term dauphin
#1168, aired 1989-10-04FRENCH HISTORY $500: The era of peace & idealism known as "la belle epoque" ended when this war began World War I
#870, aired 1988-05-20FRENCH HISTORY $200: Dynasty restored to the throne in 1814 with Louis XVIII Bourbons
#870, aired 1988-05-20FRENCH HISTORY $400: He's the only man to serve as French president in 2 non-consecutive terms Charles de Gaulle
#870, aired 1988-05-20FRENCH HISTORY $600: This long war was considered over with the defeat of the British at Castillon in 1453 Hundred Years' War
#870, aired 1988-05-20FRENCH HISTORY $800: In 1st century A.D., the areas of Aquitania, Lugdunensis & Belgica were collectively called this Gaul
#870, aired 1988-05-20FRENCH HISTORY $1000: This "Death of Marat" artist voted for the execution of Louis XVI Jacques-Louis David

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (4 results returned)

#6924, aired 2014-10-23FRENCH FOOD HISTORY: A popular product was born when Jean Naigeon of this city substituted the juice of unripe grapes for vinegar Dijon
#6659, aired 2013-07-25FRENCH HISTORY: Starting in 1349, this marine animal was on the coat of arms of the heir apparent to the French throne a dolphin
#6243, aired 2011-11-09FRENCH HISTORY: She said, "I told my plans to no one. I was not killing a man, but a wild beast that was devouring the French people" Charlotte Corday
#1493, aired 1991-02-13FRENCH HISTORY: He was in his 70s when he commanded the French National Guard during the Revolution of 1830 Lafayette

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