Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9069, aired 2024-03-28FREE FOR ALL $200: Monopoly once added a few house rules, including all fees & taxes stashed in the middle of the board are yours when you land on this spot Free Parking
#9069, aired 2024-03-28FREE FOR ALL $400: The nonprofit Free Software Foundation promotes this hyphenated type of software that, by definition, can be modified & shared open-source
#9069, aired 2024-03-28FREE FOR ALL $600: R.E.M. titled a 1981 song for this broadcasting service that aimed to inform people under the grasp of the Soviets Radio Free Europe
#9069, aired 2024-03-28FREE FOR ALL $800: The Wilmot Proviso, which wanted no slavery in newly acquired Mexican lands, was a precursor to this political party the Free Soil Party
#9069, aired 2024-03-28FREE FOR ALL $1000: The "free" type of this refers to an atom or molecule with a loose electron that can destabilize other molecules a free radical
#6164, aired 2011-06-02FOOTBALL FREE FOR ALL $200: First presented in 1935, this bronze college football award weighs 25 pounds the Heisman Trophy
#6164, aired 2011-06-02FOOTBALL FREE FOR ALL $400: In 1974 this team (not a pod!) of mammals (not fish!) won the Super Bowl (not kidding!) the (Miami) Dolphins
#6164, aired 2011-06-02FOOTBALL FREE FOR ALL $600: Founded in 2003, his dream foundation has committed $4.5 million to charity; this QB is a true saint Drew Brees
#6164, aired 2011-06-02FOOTBALL FREE FOR ALL $800: Yanking a player down by his shoulder pads from behind is this "equine" penalty horse collaring
#6164, aired 2011-06-02FOOTBALL FREE FOR ALL $1000: As coach of the Jets, he has the "gang green" defense deal out hard knocks (& enjoy some gosh-darned snacks) (Rex) Ryan

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