Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (74 results returned)
#8983, aired 2023-11-29 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $400: "His head" (not his bonnet) "is full of" these buzzers bees |
#8983, aired 2023-11-29 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $800: "He's had a thump over the head with" this biblical strongman's "jawbone" Samson |
#8983, aired 2023-11-29 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $1200: "He sees" these (Ben probably didn't mean Walter Payton & Dick Butkus) bears |
#8983, aired 2023-11-29 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $1600: A drunk is "half way to" this site of the second skirmish of the Revolution Concord |
#8983, aired 2023-11-29 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $2000: The unsteady fellow has "lost his" this, which has a handle called the tiller rudder |
#8761, aired 2022-12-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: In his native Boston, Ben wrote that the kids of status-seeking parents come out of this college as blockheads Harvard |
#8761, aired 2022-12-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: As royally appointed deputy this 2-word job, Ben got mail from Charleston to Boston by road instead of by ship via London Postmaster General |
#8761, aired 2022-12-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $600: Ben's discoveries led to the lightning rod & to the end of the electrocution of more than a hundred of these colleagues of Quasimodo bell ringers |
#8761, aired 2022-12-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $800: An edit Ben made for Thomas Jefferson changed "we hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable" to this, rational instead of religious self-evident |
#8761, aired 2022-12-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $1000: When a friend asked if the Constitution set up a republic or a monarchy, Ben replied, "A republic" followed by these 5 words if you can keep it |
#7623, aired 2017-11-01 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $200: "His head" (not his bonnet) "is full of" these buzzers bees |
#7623, aired 2017-11-01 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $400: "He's had a thump over the head with" this Biblical strongman's "jawbone" Samson |
#7623, aired 2017-11-01 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $600: "He sees" these (Ben probably didn't mean Walter Payton & Dick Butkus) bears |
#7623, aired 2017-11-01 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $800: A drunk is "half way to" this site of the second skirmish of the Revolution Concord |
#7623, aired 2017-11-01 | BEN FRANKLIN'S DRINKER'S DICTIONARY $1000: The unsteady fellow has "lost his" this, which has a handle called the tiller a rudder |
#7300, aired 2016-05-13 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $200: His "Advice to a Young Tradesman": "Remember that" this "is Money" Time |
#7300, aired 2016-05-13 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $400: "In this world nothing can be... certain, except" these 2 things death & taxes |
#7300, aired 2016-05-13 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $600: "There never was a good war or" this a bad peace |
#7300, aired 2016-05-13 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $800: These "and visitors stink in three days" fish |
#7300, aired 2016-05-13 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $1000: From this game "we may learn... foresight... circumspection... caution... and... the habit of not being discouraged" chess |
#6128, aired 2011-04-13 | LOST TEXTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN $400: OMG! So tired of bro James b-ting me up! I'm 17 & running away 2 live in this city! Market St is gr8! Philadelphia |
#6128, aired 2011-04-13 | LOST TEXTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN $800: 1758 will b last yr of me writing & pub. this: been at it 4 25 yrs, that's enuf Poor Richard's Almanack |
#6128, aired 2011-04-13 | LOST TEXTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN $1200: This 2-wd invention of mine saved my house during bad storm! oz./prev. = lb./cure! a lightning rod |
#6128, aired 2011-04-13 | LOST TEXTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN $1600: 1783: War over! Didnt get Canada 2day when I signed Treaty of this but USA h2s! (Treaty of) Paris |
#6128, aired 2011-04-13 | LOST TEXTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN $2000: 1722: wrote 14 essays as "Silence" this: gr8 2 make fun of kids @ Harvard! LOL! Dogood |
#6062, aired 2011-01-11 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $200: "Early to bed & early to rise, makes a man" these 3 things healthy, wealthy & wise |
#6062, aired 2011-01-11 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $600: These "and visitors stink after three days" fish |
#6062, aired 2011-01-11 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $800: "Little strokes fell" these great oaks |
#6062, aired 2011-01-11 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $1000: An ounce of prevention is worth" this a pound of cure |
#6062, aired 2011-01-11 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $2,000 (Daily Double): "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are" this dead |
#5112, aired 2006-11-28 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: On Ben's 1st walk though this city, he carried "three great puffy rolls" making a "most ridiculous appearance" Philadelphia |
#5112, aired 2006-11-28 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: At 16 Ben read a book by Thomas Tryon & accordingly adopted this type of diet vegetarian |
#5112, aired 2006-11-28 | BEN FRANKLIN $600: Franklin noted that the complaint called "dry-gripes" resulted from exposure to this toxic metal lead |
#5112, aired 2006-11-28 | BEN FRANKLIN $800: 1751's "Experiments and Observations on" this helped make Ben's name; the book was translated into French in 1752 electricity |
#5112, aired 2006-11-28 | BEN FRANKLIN $1,000 (Daily Double): Ben appropriately described his youthful mistakes as "errata", a term from this profession printing |
#4659, aired 2004-12-02 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: The knicknacks seen here were part of the Benmania resulting from his arrival in this city [audio] Paris |
#4659, aired 2004-12-02 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: "A house without a woman and firelight is like a body without soul or sprite" is from this Ben Franklin annual Poor Richard's Almanack |
#4659, aired 2004-12-02 | BEN FRANKLIN $600: This job Ben got in 1753 helped his business, as described here Postmaster |
#4659, aired 2004-12-02 | BEN FRANKLIN $800: Among Franklin's science and astronomy instruments is an orrery, an early model of this system the solar system |
#4659, aired 2004-12-02 | BEN FRANKLIN $1000: Shown here, a musical instrument Ben invented is called the "glass" one of these harmonica |
#4538, aired 2004-05-05 | FRANKLIN, BEN FRANKLIN $200: In October 1723 Franklin arrived in this city that would be his home base for the rest of his life Philadelphia |
#4538, aired 2004-05-05 | FRANKLIN, BEN FRANKLIN $400: Ben Franklin, on top of things as always, suggested this seasonal clock change system back in 1784 daylight savings time |
#4538, aired 2004-05-05 | FRANKLIN, BEN FRANKLIN $600: In 1744 Franklin was really cookin' when he invented a cast-iron one of these that you could install in your fireplace a stove |
#4538, aired 2004-05-05 | FRANKLIN, BEN FRANKLIN $800: Joseph Priestley was so "charged" after meeting Ben, he wrote "The History and Present State of" this phenomenon electricity |
#4122, aired 2002-07-02 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $200: "Eat to live, and not" this live to eat |
#4122, aired 2002-07-02 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $400: These "fell great oaks" little strokes |
#4122, aired 2002-07-02 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $600: "Remember that" this "is money" time |
#4122, aired 2002-07-02 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $800: In a letter to Josiah Quincy, Franklin wrote that "There never was a good war or" one of these a bad peace |
#4122, aired 2002-07-02 | THE QUOTABLE BEN FRANKLIN $1000: "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are" this dead |
#3900, aired 2001-07-13 | THE WORDS OF BEN FRANKLIN $200: When the well's dry, we know the worth of" this water |
#3900, aired 2001-07-13 | THE WORDS OF BEN FRANKLIN $400: Ben's epitaph for himself compared him to the cover of one of these, "stript of its lettering and gilding" a book |
#3900, aired 2001-07-13 | THE WORDS OF BEN FRANKLIN $600: Franklin said the constitution gave the U.S. this form of government, "if you can keep it" a republic |
#3900, aired 2001-07-13 | THE WORDS OF BEN FRANKLIN $1,000 (Daily Double): This present state "resembles a beer barrel, tapped at both ends," with the beer "running into Philadelphia & New York" New Jersey |
#3900, aired 2001-07-13 | THE WORDS OF BEN FRANKLIN $1000: Final reason for choosing an older woman as a mistress: "They are so" this grateful |
#3263, aired 1998-11-11 | THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BEN FRANKLIN $200: Before munching on Philly cheese steaks, I lived most of the first 17 years of my life in this city Boston |
#3263, aired 1998-11-11 | THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BEN FRANKLIN $400: On June 11, 1776 I was chosen to be a member of the committee that drafted this important document Declaration of Independence |
#3263, aired 1998-11-11 | THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BEN FRANKLIN $600: One of my last public acts was signing a 1790 petition to Congress urging the abolition of this Slavery |
#3263, aired 1998-11-11 | THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BEN FRANKLIN $800: At the age of 70 in 1776 I was one of 3 Congressional Commissioners to this nation France |
#3263, aired 1998-11-11 | THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BEN FRANKLIN $1000: In my younger days I was a member of this fun-loving "club" of Sir Francis Dashwood's the Hellfire Club |
#1525, aired 1991-03-29 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: Though Ben didn't approve of parts of it, he urged the Convention to unanimously adopt it the Constitution |
#1138, aired 1989-07-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $100: He told those signing this, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" the Declaration of Independence |
#1138, aired 1989-07-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: The one Franklin invented gave more heat & used less fuel than others of the time a stove |
#1138, aired 1989-07-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $300: One of his last public acts was signing a petition to Congress in favor of abolishing this slavery |
#1138, aired 1989-07-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: Value of the Federal Reserve note with Franklin's picture on the front a $100 bill |
#1138, aired 1989-07-12 | BEN FRANKLIN $500: Ben Franklin was apprenticed to his older brother to learn this trade printing |
#599, aired 1987-03-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $100: Tho one of the best-educated persons of his time, he had only 2 formal years of this school |
#599, aired 1987-03-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: Franklin's last public act was signing an appeal to Congress for the speedy abolition of this slavery |
#599, aired 1987-03-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $300: Franklin's illegitimate son William became governor of this Mid-Atlantic colony New Jersey |
#599, aired 1987-03-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: Of Richard Rush, R. Saunders, or R. Franklin, pen name he used to sign "Poor Richard's Almanac" Richard Saunders |
#599, aired 1987-03-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $500: The plan he submitted to the 2nd Continental Congress became basis of this, the 1st U.S. "Constitution" the Articles of Confederation |
#56, aired 1984-11-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $100: His spectacle invention that's a sight for sore eyes bifocals |
#56, aired 1984-11-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $200: "Fish & guests stink in 3 days" are among this almanac's wise words Poor Richard('s Almanack) |
#56, aired 1984-11-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $300: He was president of the 1st society to press for its abolition slavery |
#56, aired 1984-11-26 | BEN FRANKLIN $400: The postal service actually showed a profit when he held this position Postmaster General |
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