Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9252, aired 2025-01-21FOUND ON TEMU $200: Perfect for your small fry, you can buy a plush one of these; McDonald's uses white meat for their edible ones a chicken McNugget (a nugget)
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FOUND ON TEMU $400: How about a sticker for your toilet that makes it look like this rodent, maybe a red or eastern gray one, is popping out to say hi a squirrel
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FOUND ON TEMU $600: A blanket with the words "Hey Baby Girl" over the huge beautiful nose of this green ogre? Enchanting! Shrek
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FOUND ON TEMU $800: Why go to Houston when you can buy these teeth fronts over on Temu? One place sells them as "hip hop braces" grills
#9252, aired 2025-01-21FOUND ON TEMU $1000: Get a 2025 calendar of the "World's Greatest" types of this hairstyle that's business in the front & a party in the back a mullet

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