Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4133, aired 2002-07-17 | FORMER APPRENTICES $400: Apprenticed to a candy maker at age 15, he now has a Pennsylvania town named for him Hershey |
#4133, aired 2002-07-17 | FORMER APPRENTICES $800: While an apprentice to a machinist, Elias Howe began his work on this invention a sewing machine |
#4133, aired 2002-07-17 | FORMER APPRENTICES $1,500 (Daily Double): John Deere hammered out his career while an apprentice to one of these a blacksmith |
#4133, aired 2002-07-17 | FORMER APPRENTICES $1600: As a young boy, Andrew Johnson began his apprenticeship as one of these & later even opened his own shop a tailor |
#4133, aired 2002-07-17 | FORMER APPRENTICES $2000: A grocer's apprentice at age 14, archaeologists were green with envy when he found Troy in the 1870s Heinrich Schliemann |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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