Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (7 results returned)

#2865, aired 1997-01-31FOREIGN SPORTS STARS $100: When this German beat Martina Navratilova in the 1987 French Open, she became its youngest champ to date Steffi Graf
#2865, aired 1997-01-31FOREIGN SPORTS STARS $200: American baseball team with Dominican Ramon Martinez, South Korean Chan Ho Park & Japanese Hideo Nomo Los Angeles Dodgers
#2865, aired 1997-01-31FOREIGN SPORTS STARS $300: This "Super Mario" from Canada is a Pittsburgh Penguin Mario Lemieux
#2865, aired 1997-01-31FOREIGN SPORTS STARS $500 (Daily Double): She went from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine to the top of her sport: Oksana Baiul
#2865, aired 1997-01-31FOREIGN SPORTS STARS $500: Born of Italian immigrant stock in Brazil, he's a 2-time Indy 500 winner Emerson Fittipaldi
#615, aired 1987-04-17FOREIGN SPORTS $100: In '86, American Greg Lemond pedalled 2500 miles to become the 1st non-European ever to win this the Tour de France
#615, aired 1987-04-17FOREIGN SPORTS $200: Eton boys are called dry-bobs if they play cricket & this if they row wet-bobs

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