Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#7479, aired 2017-03-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $200: From 1899 to 1920 the number of bottlers of this soda grew from 1 plant to more than 1,000 Coca-Cola
#7479, aired 2017-03-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $400: Cherry vanilla & java chip are flavors from this ice cream brand with an umlaut in its name Häagen-Dazs
#7479, aired 2017-03-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $800: The name of this brand of frozen foods sounds like a veritable feast because it is Banquet
#7479, aired 2017-03-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1000: Named for a city in Japan & first brewed in 1876, it's the oldest beer brand in that country Sapporo
#7479, aired 2017-03-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $2,000 (Daily Double): This liquor brand is also the name of Alabama's state game bird Wild Turkey
#6180, aired 2011-06-24FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $200: Up to 8 varieties of these are sold every year; the shortbread trefoils are always included Girl Scout Cookies
#6180, aired 2011-06-24FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $400: Swanson Broth is owned by this other soup company Campbell's
#6180, aired 2011-06-24FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $600: You're on a "roll" if you know that Leo Hirschfeld gave this chewy chocolate candy his daughter's nickname Tootsie Roll
#6180, aired 2011-06-24FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $800: For a box top & 25 cents, you could get a rag doll from this brand; the family included Uncle Mose & twins Diana & Wade Aunt Jemima
#6180, aired 2011-06-24FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1000: The No. 1 selling brand of frozen pizza in dollar sales; it's not delivery, it's this DiGiorno
#5160, aired 2007-02-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $200: This brand of grape juice was created in 1869 & was billed as unfermented wine Welch's
#5160, aired 2007-02-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $400: That's Dorothy Hope Smith's unfinished sketch of a neighbor's baby on the labels of this brand Gerber's
#5160, aired 2007-02-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $800: This brand gives you "that frosty mug sensation" A&W Root Beer
#5160, aired 2007-02-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1,000 (Daily Double): The sight of a balloon-filled sky filled a baking company VP with a sense of this, hence the name of their bread wonder
#5160, aired 2007-02-02FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1000: The Dorsa brothers borrowed $35 to buy a waffle iron & this frozen brand was born Eggo
#4825, aired 2005-07-22FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $200: In 1999 this General Mills cereal came out with Millenios, featuring 2s as well as the usual Os Cheerios
#4825, aired 2005-07-22FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $400: In the '70s they called a "blended flavored (cherry & other flavorings) carbonated beverage" Mr. this Mr. Pibb
#4825, aired 2005-07-22FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $600: Calistoga mineral water is from this California valley that's famous for its vineyards Napa
#4825, aired 2005-07-22FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $800: This marshmallow brand is named for the manufacturing process that infuses air into the marshmallows Jet-Puffed
#4825, aired 2005-07-22FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1000: Mr. T was featured in Busta Rhymes' 2002 video "Pass" this Napoleonic cognac courvoisier
#4789, aired 2005-06-02FOOD BRANDS $200: When it's this brand of frozen potatoes, "it's all-righta" Ore-Ida
#4789, aired 2005-06-02FOOD BRANDS $400: Kraft introduced this brand of processed cheese way back in 1928 Velveeta
#4789, aired 2005-06-02FOOD BRANDS $600: Appropriately, these Nabisco cookies are in the shape of a peanut Nutter Butters
#4789, aired 2005-06-02FOOD BRANDS $800: Pastry maker Pietro Ferrero created this, "The original hazelnut spread" Nutella
#4789, aired 2005-06-02FOOD BRANDS $1000: This brand of Mexican food got its start in 1918 as the Mountain Pass Canning Co. of New Mexico Old El Paso
#4510, aired 2004-03-26FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $400: Its jingle says, "Thank Goodness for" this chef Chef Boyardee
#4510, aired 2004-03-26FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $800: This hot state inspired the name of John Ferolito & Don Vultaggio's beverage company that's known for its iced tea Arizona
#4510, aired 2004-03-26FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1200: This brand, made from 100% Colombian coffee, bills itself as "The Essence of Coffee" Yuban
#4510, aired 2004-03-26FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $1,800 (Daily Double): It's said that Leonardo da Vinci visited this Italian mineral water's spring to treat his ailments San Pellegrino
#4510, aired 2004-03-26FOOD & DRINK BRANDS $2000: The name of this brand of hard candies was meant to suggest a friendly Western company Jolly Rancher

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)

#7688, aired 2018-01-31FOOD BRANDS: Seen here is the location of the first plant of this company Ore-Ida
#5573, aired 2008-11-26FOOD BRANDS: In 1954 Swift chose this word that means "a chubby person" as its new brand's name to convey plumpness & tenderness Butterball

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