Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#8231, aired 2020-06-08FONTS OF WISDOM $400: Debuting in 1932, a font designed for a London newspaper was called times new this Roman
#8231, aired 2020-06-08FONTS OF WISDOM $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) California’s 3rd and Texas 3th district make the A; Ohio’s 12th and 7th districts make the B, and Connecticut’s 1st district is the C in a new font called Ugly Gerry in which “Gerry” stands for this partisan process gerrymandering
#8231, aired 2020-06-08FONTS OF WISDOM $1200: French for "without", it can come in front of serif or after comic in the name of fonts sans
#8231, aired 2020-06-08FONTS OF WISDOM $1600: Get that liberated feeling with this script, also a swimming stroke freestyle
#8231, aired 2020-06-08FONTS OF WISDOM $4,800 (Daily Double): The font for this historic book printed in 1455 has come to be known as textura the Gutenberg Bible
#7326, aired 2016-06-20FONTS $400: This showy font bears the name of a New York City street Broadway
#7326, aired 2016-06-20FONTS $800: Copperplate Gothic harkens back to the era when printers cut into copper plates in this technique engraving
#7326, aired 2016-06-20FONTS $1200: Dashing off a quick "note"? Try this font whose name means "deserving of attention" Noteworthy
#7326, aired 2016-06-20FONTS $1,500 (Daily Double): The name of this popular font is from the Latin for "runner" Courier
#7326, aired 2016-06-20FONTS $2000: Last name of John, an 18th century type designer, & of a family menaced by a fictional hound Baskerville
#7035, aired 2015-03-27FONTS $200: Updated from inscriptions in this empire, Trajan became common on movie posters the Roman Empire
#7035, aired 2015-03-27FONTS $400: Business News Daily named Calibri one of the best fonts for this document--now go update yours a résumé
#7035, aired 2015-03-27FONTS $600: OCR-A was designed in 1968 so machines could read it: OCR is short for this "character recognition" optical
#7035, aired 2015-03-27FONTS $800: The recently trendy font this "Sans" was inspired by this type of "book" Comic
#7035, aired 2015-03-27FONTS $1000: It was designed by a member of this German movement for "art & technology, a new unity" Bauhaus
#5328, aired 2007-11-07KNOWLEDGE OF FONTS $400: From the Latin for "flowing" comes the name of these typefaces that resemble handwriting script cursive
#5328, aired 2007-11-07KNOWLEDGE OF FONTS $800: Sans serif fonts are known as grotesque or this other spooky "architectural" name Gothic fonts
#5328, aired 2007-11-07KNOWLEDGE OF FONTS $1200: It's a Latin adjective meaning "Swiss" Helvetica
#5328, aired 2007-11-07KNOWLEDGE OF FONTS $1600: Lavish or exuberant parties, or this crazy font Wingdings
#5328, aired 2007-11-07KNOWLEDGE OF FONTS $2000: This font is named for an 18th century Italian typeface designer Bodoni
#4288, aired 2003-04-02FONTS OF INFORMATION $400: Name of the font seen here & of a hound-haunted literary family Baskerville
#4288, aired 2003-04-02FONTS OF INFORMATION $800: "Here's the story" of the font named for this sitcom The Brady Bunch
#4288, aired 2003-04-02FONTS OF INFORMATION $1200: This font, or the fancy avenue between Madison & Lexington Park Avenue
#4288, aired 2003-04-02FONTS OF INFORMATION $1600: The font seen here is named for this crime kidnapping
#4288, aired 2003-04-02FONTS OF INFORMATION $2000: This font shares its name with William, the first English printer Caxton
#3878, aired 2001-06-13FONTS OF INFORMATION $200: The name of this font also belongs to ancient Teutonic people & a style of architecture Gothic
#3878, aired 2001-06-13FONTS OF INFORMATION $400: This font is called Big Top or by the name of this 19th century big top showman (P.T.) Barnum
#3878, aired 2001-06-13FONTS OF INFORMATION $600: The font seen here: 10, 9, 8, 7... Countdown
#3878, aired 2001-06-13FONTS OF INFORMATION $800: This typeface was inspired by & named for this 1920s German design school Bauhaus
#3878, aired 2001-06-13FONTS OF INFORMATION $1000: Neither snow, nor rain, etc. stays this font from the swift completion of its appointed rounds Courier

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