Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9243, aired 2025-01-08FLYING IN STATE $200: To be "Honest", it's only an hour flight from the Windy City to the Springfield airport named for this man Lincoln
#9243, aired 2025-01-08FLYING IN STATE $400: Fly to Vegas from the Reno international airport that includes this lake in its name Tahoe
#9243, aired 2025-01-08FLYING IN STATE $600: It's only a 337-mile flight from LAX to the airport in San Mateo County known by these 3 letters SFO
#9243, aired 2025-01-08FLYING IN STATE $800: JFK to SLK will take you to Saranac Lake & the airport named for these Upstate New York mountains the Adirondacks
#9243, aired 2025-01-08FLYING IN STATE $1000: Island hop from the airport named for this Medal of Honor recipient & senator to Ellison Onizuka Kona Airport (Daniel) Inouye

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