Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9216, aired 2024-12-02FLORIDA WOMAN $200: Florida naturally produces its share of astronauts, like Nicole Stott, who took the last flight home from the ISS aboard one of these the space shuttle
#9216, aired 2024-12-02FLORIDA WOMAN $400: This body-shaping brand began when former Disney World employee Sara Blakely had the idea to cut the feet off her pantyhose Spanx
#9216, aired 2024-12-02FLORIDA WOMAN $600: She was born in the Florida panhandle & at school in Gainesville was named "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" Faye Dunaway
#9216, aired 2024-12-02FLORIDA WOMAN $800: Betty Mae Jumper from Indiantown was the first female head of this tribe of Florida the Seminoles
#9216, aired 2024-12-02FLORIDA WOMAN $1000: Feminist activist Roxcy O'Neal Bolton of Coral Gables was the driving force behind making August 26 this annual day Women's Equality Day

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