Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6290, aired 2012-01-13FLOAT SAM & JET SAM $200: In 1613 British Admiral Samuel Argall sailed up the Potomac & captured this Indian woman Pocahontas
#6290, aired 2012-01-13FLOAT SAM & JET SAM $400: Air Force vet Sam Johnson, ranked in 2011 as most conservative congressman, spent 7 years as a P.O.W. in this city Hanoi
#6290, aired 2012-01-13FLOAT SAM & JET SAM $800: U.S. Army pilot Sam Gemar flew on 3 Space Shuttle missions, starting with this alphabetically first craft Atlantis
#6290, aired 2012-01-13FLOAT SAM & JET SAM $1,000 (Daily Double): From 1937 to 1940 Samuel Eliot Morison researched a 450th anniversary bio by retracing this man's voyages Christopher Columbus
#6290, aired 2012-01-13FLOAT SAM & JET SAM $1000: Capt. Samuel Hood of the Zealous helped Nelson win the 1798 battle of this river, also called the Battle of Aboukir Bay the Nile

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