Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6274, aired 2011-12-22FLEECE NAVIDAD $400: This site that started as AuctionWeb has more than 5,000 "ugly Christmas sweaters" on the auction block eBay
#6274, aired 2011-12-22FLEECE NAVIDAD $800: QVC sold out of a Christmas sweater that had reindeer whose noses lit up using this technology with hair-thin filaments fiber optics
#6274, aired 2011-12-22FLEECE NAVIDAD $1200: In Killington in this state, My Ugly Christmas Sweater Inc. makes tacky holiday sweaters as ironic fashion statements Vermont
#6274, aired 2011-12-22FLEECE NAVIDAD $1600: Knit a virtual heinous wool sweater at a site whose motto is "We love holiday sweaters. We hate" these creatures sheep
#6274, aired 2011-12-22FLEECE NAVIDAD $2000: In England, pullover sweaters are called these, as in the website cheesychristmas jumpers

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