Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6738, aired 2013-12-25FLAG TERMS $400: Finials are ornaments that decorate the tops of these; popular ones include star & spread eagle flagpoles
#6738, aired 2013-12-25FLAG TERMS $1200: 2 types of tapering flags are pennants & these that end in 2 points like the bird part for which they're named swallowtail
#6738, aired 2013-12-25FLAG TERMS $1600: It's the upper left portion of a flag; the rest of the flag is called the field or ground the canton
#6738, aired 2013-12-25FLAG TERMS $2000: The name of this rope used to hoist a flag is from the Middle English for "pull" halyard
#6738, aired 2013-12-25FLAG TERMS $6,000 (Daily Double): From the Greek for "sign bearer", it's the type of flag used to send messages from ship to shore semaphore
#3617, aired 2000-05-02FLAG TERMS $200: Type of flag seen here a pennant
#3617, aired 2000-05-02FLAG TERMS $400: A flagpole is also called a staff or this nautical term mast
#3617, aired 2000-05-02FLAG TERMS $600: It can be a flag flown from a naval ship, or the lowest rank of commissioned officer on it ensign
#3617, aired 2000-05-02FLAG TERMS $1000: A tapering flag that ends in 2 points is named for its resemblance to this bird's "tail" swallow
#3617, aired 2000-05-02FLAG TERMS $1,500 (Daily Double): This word for the upper left part of a flag is a place name on maps of China & Ohio canton

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