Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4465, aired 2004-01-23FITS HUGH $200: Plans are for Hugh Grant to return as Daniel Cleaver in the sequel to this 2001 Renee Zellweger film Bridget Jones's Diary
#4465, aired 2004-01-23FITS HUGH $400: Hugh tried to woo Emma in this 1995 film based on a Jane Austen novel Sense and Sensibility
#4465, aired 2004-01-23FITS HUGH $600: In this 1995 film directed by Chris Columbus, Hugh finds out his girlfriend is pregnant Nine Months
#4465, aired 2004-01-23FITS HUGH $800: The 2003 ABC series "I'm With Her", about a star falling for an ordinary guy, sounds like this film of Hugh's Notting Hill
#4465, aired 2004-01-23FITS HUGH $1000: In this 1999 comedy Hugh tried to learn how to say "fuggeddaboutit" Mickey Blue Eyes

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