Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9211, aired 2024-11-25FIRST ENCOUNTERS $400: Thomas Jefferson & John Adams became off-&-on friends after meeting at the Continental Congress in this city in 1775 Philadelphia
#9211, aired 2024-11-25FIRST ENCOUNTERS $800: Henry VIII met this first wife when he was only 10 as she prepared to marry his brother Prince Arthur Catherine of Aragon
#9211, aired 2024-11-25FIRST ENCOUNTERS $1200: Before he was a journalist, he was a naval courier & on a delivery to the White House, met Mark Felt, later "Deep Throat" Woodward
#9211, aired 2024-11-25FIRST ENCOUNTERS $1600: He'd reminisce about his first meeting with fellow mobster Lucky Luciano when they were just kids & Lucky was shaking down Jews Meyer Lansky
#9211, aired 2024-11-25FIRST ENCOUNTERS $2000: First meeting by letter, poet Robert Browning would later meet Elizabeth Barrett in person, at her home on this London street Wimpole Street

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