Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $200: "Diplomacy in action", which really does sound great / Was on the website of the cabinet department that we call... State |
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $400: To gather, rouse or summon / You better believe it, buster / It's this word that will be heard / This is the word you'll... muster |
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $600: "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel" was not writ just to shame us / It is, however, right here now, from the Bible's book the Book of Amos |
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $800: Banyo & Nkambé / No, not Bombay / For your honeymoon / Consider... Cameroon |
#8973, aired 2023-11-15 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $1000: "The best is the enemy of the good"--no dolt, there / It must be the enlightened author, monsieur... Voltaire |
#6861, aired 2014-06-16 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $200: "Diplomacy in action", which really does sound great / Is on the website of the cabinet department that we call... State |
#6861, aired 2014-06-16 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $400: Killing a dragon named python at Delphi, is that too much to swallow? / It wasn't odd for this Greek god, the one known as... Apollo |
#6861, aired 2014-06-16 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $600: To gather, rouse or summon / You better believe it, buster / It's this word that will be heard / This is the word you'll... muster |
#6861, aired 2014-06-16 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $800: "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel" was not writ just to shame us / It is, however, right here now, from the Bible's book of... Amos |
#6861, aired 2014-06-16 | FINISH THE TERRIBLE RHYME $1000: "The best is the enemy of the good"--no dolt, there / It must be the enlightened author, Monsieur... Voltaire |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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