Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#9244, aired 2025-01-09 | FOIA & FIND OUT $200: A list of personalized these checked for obscenity in Florida, including KIDNAPN, 0NMETH & (wow) MR DUI vanity plates (license plates) |
#9244, aired 2025-01-09 | FOIA & FIND OUT $400: A 1938 fan letter to the Reds' Johnny Vander Meer from this man noting the FBI won the U.S. Government League Championship (J. Edgar) Hoover |
#9244, aired 2025-01-09 | FOIA & FIND OUT $600: A complaint to the FCC suggesting that these 2 creators of "South Park" "should be fined 5,000.00 per word" Parker & Stone |
#9244, aired 2025-01-09 | FOIA & FIND OUT $800: A photo of President Obama laughing at the meme "Sorry it took so long to get you a copy of" this document--"I was too busy killing Osama" his birth certificate |
#9244, aired 2025-01-09 | FOIA & FIND OUT $1000: With redactions, artwork of detainees at this prison camp that opened on Jan. 11, 2002 Guantánamo Bay |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | FIND "OUT" $200: A lopsided sports loss, or a flat tire a blowout |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | FIND "OUT" $400: This military command means to turn clockwise 180 degrees about face |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | FIND "OUT" $600: The unpleasant effects after something bad has happened, hopefully not after a nuclear explosion fallout |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | FIND "OUT" $800: Adjective for someone very enthusiastic in support, or very religious devout |
#9121, aired 2024-06-10 | FIND "OUT" $1000: Type of vessel seen here with a distinctive feature for extra stability outrigger |
#9026, aired 2024-01-29 | MYTH AROUND & FIND OUT $400: In an Iroquois tale a girl runs off with a handsome Chad only to find out he is one of these ssslithery creatures a snake |
#9026, aired 2024-01-29 | MYTH AROUND & FIND OUT $800: This bull-headed creature of Crete came to be after Pasiphaë fell in love with a bovine the Minotaur |
#9026, aired 2024-01-29 | MYTH AROUND & FIND OUT $1200: One myth says this king of Corinth got an eternity of rock pushing after angering Zeus by snitching on some of Z's philandering Sisyphus |
#9026, aired 2024-01-29 | MYTH AROUND & FIND OUT $1600: The blind Norse god Hodur messed around & killed this beloved god with a projectile of missile-toe Baldur |
#9026, aired 2024-01-29 | MYTH AROUND & FIND OUT $2000: In Egyptian myth Seth went all Edgar Allan Poe on this bro of his & put him in a coffin while he was still alive Osiris |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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