Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8661, aired 2022-06-13FINANCE BROS $400: Anderson Brothers Bank was founded in 1933 in the depths of this to give desperately needed support to South Carolina farmers the Great Depression
#8661, aired 2022-06-13FINANCE BROS $800: In September 2008 Lehman Brothers, with $639 billion in assets, filed the largest one of these in U.S. history bankruptcy
#8661, aired 2022-06-13FINANCE BROS $1200: A philanthropic fund was created in 1940 by these brothers--John 3rd, Laurance, Winthrop, Nelson & David the Rockefellers
#8661, aired 2022-06-13FINANCE BROS $1600: The fabulous Baker Boys, Julian & Felix, run a hedge fund specializing in this 7-letter sector of new drug development biotech
#8661, aired 2022-06-13FINANCE BROS $2000: Founded by French freres, this financial advising & asset managing giant is LAZ on the New York Stock Exchange Lazard

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