Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 | FILMS OF THE '30s $100: 1936's "Modern Times" was the last film in which he appeared as the Little Tramp Charlie Chaplin |
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 | FILMS OF THE '30s $200: He played a priest in "San Francisco" in 1936 & again in 1938 for "Boys Town" Spencer Tracy |
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 | FILMS OF THE '30s $300: In studio logos, MGM had a lion & Republic one of these birds an eagle |
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 | FILMS OF THE '30s $400: This classic 1931 Cagney film was based on the John Bright story "Beer and Blood" Public Enemy |
#1605, aired 1991-07-19 | FILMS OF THE '30s $500: The 2 1939 films directed by Victor Fleming Gone with the Wind & The Wizard of Oz |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#2905, aired 1997-03-28 | FILMS OF THE '30s: 1933 film inspired by William Burden's 1926 Dutch East Indies trip & capture of the world's largest lizard King Kong |
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