Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5380, aired 2008-01-18FILMS FROM COMIC BOOKS $200: Jake Gyllenhaal was reportedly ready to take over this role after Tobey Maguire suffered back pains Spider-Man
#5380, aired 2008-01-18FILMS FROM COMIC BOOKS $400: Severely underweight from his role in "The Machinist", Christian Bale gained 100 pounds to play this role Batman
#5380, aired 2008-01-18FILMS FROM COMIC BOOKS $600: Ths title heroine played by Halle Berry has vertical pupils & a penchant for tuna Catwoman
#5380, aired 2008-01-18FILMS FROM COMIC BOOKS $800: The 2007 "Fantastic Four" sequel was subtitled "Rise of" this galactic traveler the Silver Surfer
#5380, aired 2008-01-18FILMS FROM COMIC BOOKS $1000: In a 2003 film this blind superhero, the "Man Without Fear", battled Bullseye & a NYC crimelord called the Kingpin Daredevil

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